Why nothing beats the start of country golf season

11th Apr 2024

Country golf

With April marking the start of the golfing season for dozens of WA’s country clubs, GolfWA Regional Club Support Officer Scott Ballantyne outlines why this is such a special time of year.

“AS GolfWA’s Regional Club Support Officer for the Wheatbelt/Goldfields, my club allocation is 65, of which 61 are sand green courses without reticulation. To the hardy few who continue to play through the hot summer months on courses that are dry and dusty, I salute you.

With the start of April comes the start of the ‘golf season proper’, with more and more clubs getting their seasons underway. The AGMs have been held with new committees in place, coaching clinics planned for prospective members, fixtures drawn up, sponsors approached, summer flags put away, bars stocked, the clubhouse spring cleaned, the course tidied up, and the patrons convinced to strike the first blow.

From all reports so far, there have been great numbers for the season opening, despite the lack of rain in most parts. This past weekend I visited a couple of these clubs for their opening days and it’s hard to go past the atmosphere that the new season brings. with the friendships and rivalries, and faces new and old. BBQ and salad (BYO) for tea at the club after the game with the whole family coming along is a tradition.

country golf

Country golf hits differently


The new presidents open the season, trying to remember to thank everyone, grateful for the generous support from the sponsors, acknowledging the work done in the off-season and taking the good-natured heckling on the chin.

It’s a day of success and failure (shot by shot), of laughs and good times and the promise of more days like this to come. There’s also sorrow as we toast absent friends and gratitude for the foresight of those who were instrumental in building the course way back when.

Golf is a sport for life and fun for all, so if you’re part of a country community help it grow! Bring your friends or invite new residents in town along to your local club and share what we get to enjoy each time we step up to the tee.

It’s a community within the community and all are welcome. Long may it continue.”

Scott Ballantyne is GolfWA’s RCSO for the Wheatbelt/Goldfields region and a member at Cuballing Golf Club

If your regional club has a course and club facilities to be proud of, why not consider hosting a GolfWA regional event in 2025 and beyond? Find out more here.

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