Partnership grows with Athlete Alliance

31st Oct 2022

GolfWA’s High-Performance Strength and Conditioning supplier Athlete Alliance is currently supporting some of WA’s up and coming junior athletes.

Nine Junior athletes showing great promise, dedication and attitude who would benefit from integrating a gym program into their training schedules were identified and offered to attend a six week program.

GolfWA Game Development & Performance Manager, Marc Pike explained the importance of the relationship with Athlete Alliance for both current and former GolfWA HP Athletes.

“Peer Reviewed research as well as feedback from some of our states best coaches advocate the need for strength and conditioning programs to enable athletes to increase their power, stability and robustness on their journey to maximise performance.

Athlete Alliance still support and work with our PGA athletes including Minjee Lee, Hannah Green and Min Woo Lee when they are back in Perth.  Athlete Alliance work with a range of athletes including our High-Performance amateur athletes.

 Giving some of our younger athletes the opportunity to train with these athletes such as Min Woo and Minjee creates an inspiring environment and culture to pursue excellence.This program aims breaks the stigma that young golfers starting out at the gym need to lift heavy weights immediately.

 The expertise and guidance of Jordan, Liam and the team at Athlete Alliance focuses upon sport specific bodyweight and functional movements to begin with before introducing the next progressions”.

All sessions are supervised by qualified experts in their field to ensure that athletes are safe and enjoying the experience. GolfWA value our strong relationship with Athlete Alliance that supports the development of our athletes to train and perform.

For more information on their Strength and Conditioning programs that can support athlete development please go to:


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