Drummond Golf Men’s Country Week
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Drummond Golf Men’s Country Week
Men’s Country Week Entry Form
GolfWA is delighted to introduce an online entry form for Drummond Golf Men’s Country Week.
We will phase out the use of the manual form in the next two years, moving to online form only by 2026.
The manual form is available via request by email to neilg@golfwa.org.au
To give all the opportunity to adjust to this new entry method we will have TWO entry closure dates, outlined below.
First entry closure date: 4pm, Friday 9th August (NOW CLOSED)
Second entry closure date: 4pm, Monday 16th September (NOW CLOSED)
Those who register by the first entry closure date will receive draws by Friday 16th August.
Those who register by the second entry closure date will be fit into the existing draws.
The online form will allow participants to register either as individuals or groups.
Entry Fee is $82pp
If you have any queries re. the online form please contact GolfWA on 9367 2490.
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