GolfWA Accreditation
GolfWA provides rules education in various formats, courses and seminars by request and I am sure you will agree that educating more golfers on the rules is beneficial to all golfers and clubs alike.

Accreditation & Education Programs
Download the full National Rules Accreditation & Education Programs Framework which is detailed on the Golf Australia website.
These presentations range from the following:
- Introductory Level 1 Seminar – 90 minutes
- Comprehensive Level 1 Seminar – 3 hours
- Level 2 R&A Accredited Workshop – 2 days
These presentations can be adapted to suit specific needs and requirements that individual clubs may have and we strongly recommend that all committees and clubs alike look to action regular rules education sessions to ensure that their members remain current in all rules which will translate into better golf and even better pace of play.
GolfWA will provide an accredited State/National Level Rules Official to conduct the workshop at no cost to the club. The workshop can be conducted on either a weeknight or weekend. The presentations are provided in an informal, interactive manner so participants can achieve the ultimate value from their time. Any member who attends a workshop will be provided with information on how to further their golf education.
It is the aim of GolfWA to have a minimum of two Accredited Rules Persons at every golf club in WA to be the initial point of contact for all club members.
Should your club wish to book a seminar/workshop or would like more information on the Rules services that GolfWA provides, please contact Neil Goddard at the GolfWA Office on 9367 2490 or by email
Rules of Golf, Amateur Status and Competition Management
GolfWA provides assistance to clubs on the following:
- Interpretations on Rules of Golf and Amateur Status
- Resolution of Rules of Golf disputes
- Advice on Competition Management
- Assistance with framing of local rules and/or temporary local rules
- Guidance on course marking and competition conditions
Process for Clubs to Lodge Rules Queries
To ensure efficient and co-ordinated guidance is provided to all Western Australian affiliated clubs, please email us in the first instance with your queries to
Please note: Any queries originating from Western Australia that are initially directed to Golf Australia or The R&A will be passed back to GolfWA for input.
Please do not hesitate to contact the GolfWA office if you have any further queries regarding the above.