GolfWA hitting new targets thanks to Regional Servicing Grant

31st May 2022

GolfWA have been successful in receiving a Regional Servicing Grants (RSG) in 2022 from the Department of Local Government for Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC). We have been able to allocate funding to the Mid West, Peel, South West, and Great Southern Regions of WA.

GolfWA’s CEO, Gary Thomas feels the RSG comes at a favourable time when the game of golf is booming, and we can continue this momentum to share golf to a larger demographic state-wide:

The Regional Servicing Grant will enable GolfWA to service and support regional golf at all levels. The support from the DLGSC will enable us to develop regional talent pathways as well as offering more opportunities for more West Australians to participate in golf. The grant will help build a sustainable community infrastructure to support regional golf clubs in WA to grow their capacity and nurture their club health and governance”

GolfWA’s Game Development and Performance Manager, Marc Pike, believes that the RSG funding will be a key catalyst to the growth of junior golf regionally:

“We are delighted to be able to provide more resources to grow the game of golf regionally through support from DLGSC. We are building stronger links and relationships with regional PGA professionals, clubs and prospective regional talent development hubs that can feed into Regional Academies of Sport. It enables a clear pathway from participation to performance without always having to travel to Perth. This pathway aligns to our new state Talent Development Program for junior athletes. We want to take steps to provide opportunities for any young golfer, in any part of WA that they can have a pathway to be the next Hannah Green, Minjee Lee or Min Woo Lee”.

The RSG funding will look to support 3 key pillars:

  1. Game Development – Growing the game at grassroots offering junior, female, and indigenous opportunities for participation
  2. Talent Development – Developing regional talent development hubs to support aspiring junior golfers
  3. Club Health – Support governance through the completion of the SportAus Gameplan: A digital platform designed to provide sporting clubs of all sizes with insights into their current capability and connect them with specific tools and resources to build and support ongoing development


GolfWA would like to thank DLGSC for their support and we look forward to working with key stakeholders state-wide.